суббота, 24 сентября 2011 г.

cleaning cat urine from carpets::With todays modern cleaners you can absolutely clean all traces of pet urine from your carpet cleaning cat urine from carpets

cleaning cat urine from carpets cleaning cat urine from carpets::With todays modern cleaners you can absolutely clean all traces of pet urine from your carpet.
The problem is that only a fraction of the urine is accessible on top of the carpet for you to clean.
Most of the urine gets soaked into the pad of the carpet.
Frequently the only way to get rid of the smell is to remove the carpet.
One ounce of urine can spread out to a six inch area with only a one to 2 inch visible spot on the rug.
It is an absolute must to remove all traces of urine, not only for the odor but any trace of urine can make your cat resoil the same area.
That is an instinct millions of years old.
We just have to make sure that the cat with their acute sense of smell can not sense any trace of urine.
Using a blacklight , which is an uv light, will help you find all urine spots on your carpets, wall, draperies.
Check this video of a man using a black light to find cat urine on his carpet.
Urine as you can.
Cleaners on the market, anti icky poo is the or furniture.
Anti icky poo not only eliminates the odor from your carpet it can also be injected into the carpet pad to eliminate all traces of urine.
Determine the extent of the area that needs to be treated and mark it with tape.
Then, with the injector, inject the anti icky poo every 46 inches.
No lifting the carpet.
Use one part white wine distilled vinegar to two parts wam water and make a spray.
cleaning cat urine from carpets::Oriental rugs: moisten washcloth with
citrasolve, lay on top of stain and gently apply pressure with back of
spoon to work into stain, remove cloth and sprinkle damp spot with dry
cleaning cat urine from carpets

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