суббота, 1 октября 2011 г.

carpet bombing::Carpet bombing is usually achieved by dropping many unguided bombs carpet bombing

carpet bombing

carpet bombing

carpet bombing

carpet bombing::Carpet bombing is usually achieved by dropping many unguided bombs.
In contrast to , it is not aimed at a small target, such as a bunker, an airfield, or a military unit.
One of its uses is the.
Saturation bombing is a term similar in meaning, often used interchangeably.
Many cities, both large and small, were virtually destroyed by allied bombing.
The bombing of civilians was not the only intention of carpet bombing.
This tactic was later used in many cases in , for example in.
On pacific, carpet bombing was used extensively against japanese civilian population centers, such as tokyo.
On march 9 and 10 1945, es were directed to bomb the most heavily populated civilian sectors of tokyo.
In just 2 days of bombing, over 100,000 of the population had burned to death from a heavy bombardment of incendiary bombs.
Another 100,000 were left homeless.
These attacks were followed by similar ones against kobe, osaka, and nagoya, as well as other sectors of tokyo, where over 9,373 tons of incendiary bombs were dropped on civilian and military targets.
By the time of the dropping of the atomic bombs, light and medium bombers were being directed to bomb targets of convenience, as most urban areas had been already destroyed.
In the 9month long civilian bombing campaign, over 580,000 japanese civilians died.

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